Tuesday, July 10, 2012

GRACE’S BLOG 8th July 2012

Keep walking, digging, building and hoping

Day 1 (30 Jun) – am I insane? – departed from Hong Kong airport at 01.25 (HK time) under typhoon no.8, arrived at Meltemi Camp (Gthyio, Greece) at 23.20 (Athens time), waited at a bus stop for 4 hrs in between (because I missed the bus departing at 14.15).  Late night, all lights out, had a cold shower, zzz in a tent with my zzz bag (>10 years since my last camping), feeling lost and not sure what I was doing – travelling 27 hrs for camping in Greece ?!

Day 2 (1 Jul) – feel so low – waking up at 06.30, other teammates already out for morning survey.  Unpacking, no ideas of what I was going to do for the rest of the day (and the remaining programme).  Later the day I cooked lunch, washing dishes, cutting bamboo.  Then I swam at the beach with other teammates for a while, didn’t stay long, the water was wavy and cold, but staying at the camp was so hot, wondering if I could survive ……

Cutting bamboo

Day 3 (2 Jul) – look at the bright side – was up at 05.10, started morning survey at 06.00, found my very 1st turtle nest, V11, with other teammates on Valtaki beach.  Witnessing the miracle of living – TURTLE EGGSSSSS – that’s the magic moment.  All suddenly changed, I knew that’s why I was so doing this !!  We examined and drew the turtle tracks, dug holes and searched for the eggs with our hands, did the measurements and GPS the location, covered the nest with sand (level to the beach with wet sand 1st), put a (wire) grid over the nest from predation (foxes/dogs), hammered bamboos to fix the grid on the beach, tied the bamboos and the grid with strings, and put up a tripod and a “warning” sign – “ATTENTION sea turtle nest.  Do not touch.  Protected by national and international legislation.” …….

Finding the eggs!

Day 4 (3 Jul) – learn something new everyday – YES!  We found nest ME5 this morning on the East side of the Mavrovouni beach.  This time we put a bamboo grid (instead of a wire one) as there is no fox/dog around Mavrovouni beach to eat the eggs.  We also put red and white stick at the 4 corners of the protective grid to alert cars not to drive over the nest.

Day 5 (4 Jul) – my day off  J – good to have a day off to recharge and get ready for more walking, digging and building.  Met some very nice Greek people and spent a really good time at Limeni – thanks Neil for the suggestion.


Day 6 (5 Jul) – hello Takis – walked on the West side of Mavrovouni beach during the morning survey, found nothing.  Back to the camp and headed out to Bathi beach (thanks Mr Richard for driving) and found nest B3.  After the long morning, we stayed at the café on Bathi beach.  We met Mr Takis, a nice Greek fisherman, and had a chat about the current economy and a bit about politics.

Day 7 (6 Jul) – the lost (and found) – Sad news – there were predation to 2 nests on Valtaki beach 33 (15+18) eggs broken/eaten by fox/dog.  That’s why we were doing the same thing everyday and keep talking to people to explain what we’re doing and why, and hoping they will help us to work together to protect the turtles and their eggs.  And we found nest SE6 this morning !!

Nests found today!

Day 8 (7 Jul) – we found nothing – we did see tracks on beaches and some holes look like nests, we dug and dug and dug and we found nothing.  Then I was on duty at the Kiosk on Mavrovouni beach.  A French lady came to visit with her 2 little gals.  She had been here 20 yrs ago and seen a turtle at night.  She came back and wished her little gals could see the turtle as well.

Day 9 and thereafter – life continues – almost come to the end of my journey.  I must say I have learnt far more than I think I would/could.  Frankly the work is TOUGH.  As a volunteer for 2 weeks is already a big challenge, can’t imagine how determine the team here need to be to work for turtle protection, same walk/work every day non-stop.  I admire and appreciate their patience and persistence very much.  The hard work of the turtle protection team is definitely something that deserves everyone’s biggest respect and support.  I will carry everything I learnt and the “never give up hope” spirit with me all way back home, spread and share.


Grace Ma (Hong Kong)
