Welcome to the GVI Greece Turtle Conservation blog where you can keep up to date with all the happenings and information from our conservation programme in Lakonikos bay, Greece
GVI is a non-political, non-religious organisation, which through its alliance with over 150 project partners in over 30 countries, provides opportunities for volunteers to fill a critical void in the fields of environmental research, conservation, education and community development.
GVI is proud to partner with ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece. Archelon was founded in 1983. It aims to protect sea turtles and their habitats in Greece through research, public awareness campaigns, restoring habitats, and through its rescue centre, built in 1994.
Facts and figures
Every year over 2,500 nests are protected against human threats, predation and sea inundation
Nearly 4,000 turtles have been tagged in order to monitor their movements in the sea. Recently satellite transmitters have been used
Over 13,000 students participate every year in the educational programmes
Three permanent and 10 seasonal stations are operated by ARCHELON (GVI's partner) on Zakynthos, Peloponnesus and Crete.
Over 50 injured or sick turtles are treated every year at the Rescue Centre at Glyfada (Athens)
Thank you for visiting the GVI Greece turtle conservation blog. We plan to update this regularly with developments on the project, and invite you to follow us through the turtle season at Lakonkikos Bay!
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